On May 31, we posted on this blog a summary of fourteen proposals for simplifying the Internal Revenue Code, making it easier for exempt organizations to understand and comply with their obligations, and easier for the IRS to enforce those obligations. We know someone reads our blog, because the posting was referenced as the source of two proposals mentioned in a list of tax reform options prepared by Senate Finance Committee staff. We’re happy to be of service. In fact, we’d like to help a lot more — some of the best proposals, including all of those for 501(c)(3) charities that lobby, didn’t make it into the Committee staff’s paper. Perhaps our detailed explanation and analysis of each of the simplification proposals, being made public today, will help convince them to reconsider. You can read John Pomeranz’s comments about this and other reform proposals focused on the political and lobbying activities of exempt organizations here or just access a copy of the full explanation of the tax simplification proposals here.